Played a game against chaos the other day, at the local store, 500 points. mission was annihilation, with pitched battle deployment. he won the role to go first and chose to go first. he deployed one squad of plague marines in a building, and the other squad with his lord just beside the building. I was playing my anti-marine list. I deployed my reapers at the top of a ruin with my dire avengers in that same ruin with my farseer attached. my jetbikes were off to the right behind a bunker thingy. i failed to seize the initiative.
Turn 1
he moved one of his squads forward. I shot everything i had at that squad. killed 4. one of my reapers died from heavy bolter in the building.
Turn 2
lord squad continued to advance, and run. Again I shot him and killed several from the squad. (reapers rule! you've got mark of nurgle so you're toughness five? well I'm strength 5!.) 1 DA falls to the heavy bolter.
Turn 3
lord squad advances and is 0.5cm off assaulting. i shoot at him and the avengers bladestorm leaving just the lord on one wound. everything i throw at him he just saves with 2+ armour. so my farseer charges him to stop him charging me next turn mostly. gets one wound on him and he fails his armour save! go farseer!
Turn 4
his remaining squad moves out the building. i hunker down in my ruin/building and my jetbikes move out to behind the trees.
Turn 5
his squad moves out and shoots my jetbikes. epic fails. I shoot reapers and jetbikes at his squad and just manage to kill 5.
we roll a 2 and the game ends.
eldar: 2 and a half kill points
chaos: 0 kill points.
that'll teach you to mess with biel-tan!